Decided to try some Art Cards, 2 1/2'' x 3 1/2''. Rainbow trout head and Brookie fin. Almost went a little abstract by going with parts but I tried to still make them realistic.
Got it pretty well done now but still need to do some shading and touch ups. I'll give it a day or two to look at before I do that. Not really sure if I like painting life sized flies or not. Not as much fun as the big ones. I'm happy with the bass colors, didn't want it to get too dark.
Here is my progression on a Smallmouth Bass painting I started this evening. Got quite a ways but quit now that I'm getting a little tired. The room at the bottom is for some flies that I have sketched on there, you can kind of see some of the pencil marks. Not sure how it will work out but wanted to do something different.
Here is a commissioned piece I've just finished of a young boys first fish. Tried for a 1950's fish identification guide look. Some might think that this is a little old fashioned style of painting... so I'm old fashioned. hehehe
I am a South Dakotan who has always been close to nature. Fish and birds fascinate me and I have enjoyed sketching them since I was a young boy. About ten years ago I started carving ducks and shorebirds. For the past year I have been carving fish and more recently have taken up painting them in watercolor. I like to keep things simple in my work to show off the subject.
From time to time I will be listing works I have for sale here. I am also always available to do paintings of those special catch and release trophy fish. Contact for prices at